Tuesday, March 2, 2010

 Best wishes for the new year from Graphic Classics.

 Due to the injury of one artist and an illness in the family of another, we have reluctantly decided to reschedule the release of Western Classics: Graphic Classics Volume Twenty. The book will now be available in February 2011. Most of the artwork is now finished, and we can promise you it will be worth the wait.

 In the meantime, we remain busy here at GC, and June 2010 will see the release of the greatly revised fourth edition of Graphic Classics: Edgar Allan Poe. The third edition of this, our most popular volume, has been sold out for several months (though you may still be able to find it from some stores and online dealers,) and we are happy to return the book to print in a revised and improved edition, with 40 new pages.

from “The Pit and the Pendulum” illustration ©2010 Carlo Vergara
New to the book will be Poe’s eerie “The Pit and the Pendulum”, adapted by new scripter David Hontiveros, and illustrated by GC favorite Carlo Vergara, and “William Wilson”, adapted by Rafael Nieves and Dan Dougherty.

from “William Wilson” illustration ©2010 Dan Dougherty
Returning will be J.B. Bonivert’s unique adaptation of “The Raven”, which originally appeared in 1979 in Star*Reach, and was reprinted in the first and second editions of Graphic Classics: Edgar Allan Poe in 2001 and 2004. The adaptation was revised for this fourth edition, and Jeff agreed to also interpret “Annabel Lee” in the same style as a companion piece.

from “Annabel Lee” illustration ©2010 J.B. Bonivert
Also included is Gerry Alanguilan’s chilling adaptation of “The Black Cat”, moving over from the soon-to-be-out-of-print Graphic Classics: Special Edition.
And returning from the third edition are “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Rick Geary, “The Imp of the Perverse” by Lance Tooks, “The Premature Burial” by Joe Ollmann,“The Cask of Amontillado” by Pedro Lopez, “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Matt Howarth, and “Never Bet the Devil Yor Head” by Milton Knight. With a new cover by Malaysian artist Leong Wan Kok.